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Pain-free dentistry without drilling. New solution does not transmit COVID-19

Reduced Water and Air Pressure vs a Drill

Pain-free Dentistry Brooklyn NY
Dr. Ella Dekhtyar is making use of a cutting-edge technology in the field of cosmetic dentistry: Solea dental laser.

Water spray is a significant factor in aerosolization and the spread of harmful viruses, such as the common cold and influenza viruses, herpes viruses, pathogenic streptococci and staphylococci, and others.

Most drills utilize one to four water ports that are driven by air pressure of ~38 psi and water flow of ~30-60 ml/min (Cavalcanti 2005). Solea utilizes air pressure as low as 10 psi and water flow as low as 10 ml/min, which is 74% less air pressure and 67-83% less water flow when compared to drills.

Based on these factors, the risk of aerosolization and transmission of viruses including COVID-19 is significantly lower with Solea than the drill.

Pain-free dentistry without drilling. New solution does not transmit COVID-19

Decontamination During Hard Tissue Cutting

Solea vaporizes tooth structure using thermal energy, as opposed to the mechanical process of conventional drills. During laser treatment, the surface temperature of the tooth reaches more than 1,200 degrees Celsius, without transferring heat to the surrounding tissues.

Bacteria and viruses are destroyed at temperatures above 60 degrees Celsius which, by definition, means Solea kills any virus or bacteria with which the beam comes in contact.

Research conducted with Solea related to the treatment of peri-implantitis validates this claim. In contrast, when using a drill, surface temperatures increase by only 11 degrees Celsius, allowing bacteria and viruses to survive. Furthermore, a drill cuts by mechanical means with a bur rotating up to 400,000 RPM, which, according to several studies, can project material more than 18inches outside of the oral cavity.

Decontamination During Soft Tissue Cutting

Asa CO2laser, Solea has inherent hemostatic properties (Olivi 2009), (Niemz 2003) and delivers energy that serves as a sterilizing agent by eliminating bacteria and viruses. Both in-vitro (Ando 1996) and in-vivo clinical studies (Miyazaki 2003) have demonstrated that bacteria reduction happens at tissue temperatures starting at 50 degrees Celsius (Russell 2003).

This is extremely important for treating periodontal disease and peri-implantitis, where the pocket harbors millions of bacteria and viruses. Lasers have been widely used in such applications and have a history of successful performance.


We believe reduced aerosolization of water spray and increased viral & bacterial decontamination over that of mechanical drills make Solea a safer option for dental practitioners in a post-COVID environment.


  • Ando Y, Aoki A, Watanabe H, Ishikawa I. Bactericidal effect of erbium YAG laser on periodonto-pathic bacteria. Laser Surg Med 1996;19(2):190-200.
  • Cavalcanti BN, Seraidarian PI, Rode SM Water flow in high-speed handpieces: Quintessence International vol 36 (5) 2005
  • Miyazaki A, Yamaguchi t, Nishikata J,Okuda K, Suda S,mOrim K, Koboyashi T, Yamazaki K, Yoshikawa E, Yoshie H. Effects of Nd:YAG and CO2 laser treatment and ultrasonic scaling on periodontal pockets of chronic periodotitis patients. J Periodontol 2003;74(2):175-180.
  • Niemz MH, Laser Tissue Interaction: Fundamentals and Applications, Springer 2003.
  • Olivi G,Genovese MD, Caprioglio C. Evidence-based dentistry on laser paediatric dentistry: Review and outlook. Eur J Paediatr Dent 2009;10(1):29-40.
  • Russell AD, Lethal effects of heat on bacterial physiology and structure. Sci Prog 2003;86(1-2):115-137.
Page Updated on May 17, 2024 by Dr. Dekhtyar (Dentist) of Broadway Family Dental
Dr. Ella Dekhtyar

Dr. Ella Dekhtyar is an ABGD-certified cosmetic and family dentist who strives to provide the best and most appropriate dental care using the latest cutting-edge technology and treatment. Dr. Dekhtyar has more than 20 years of experience creating beautiful and healthy smiles, backed by receiving multiple awards, including America’s Best Dentist and New York Magazine Best Dentists in 2010 & 2012, and her collaboration with prominent media outlets.

Recognized as one of the most highly regarded dentists in the Bushwick and Bedford-Stuyvesant community, Dr. Dekhtyar operates in several languages, including English, Spanish, as well as Russian, and provides highly praised aesthetic and functional results in a welcoming and relaxing environment.

More about Dr. Dekhtyar
Broadway Family Dental
372 Stockton St
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(Bushwick, Williamsburg, Bedford-Stuyvesant)
(718) 455-4400

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